17 January, 2015

The ripple effect of Bible translation for families

The ripple effect of Bible translation in a community that has not had it before is remarkable. I remember sitting with a group of women in a mountain village of Ghana and hearing them discuss the effects their literacy class was having on their lives.

One woman spoke about how they were now creating a business co-op through micro-loans that were helping them all to utilize small-plot farms to provide for their families. Another spoke about how she suddenly felt empowered in the market place, that she could sign her signature mark now, knowing what she was signing for, and that no one took advantage of her anymore. A third mother spoke of all the knowledge she was newly attaining about the world around her, and that she had never had access to the health pamphlets given by the city and aid workers before! She cried as she gestured and explained examples of how to wash her baby, and that covering their food could make a difference in keeping things sanitary… simple but powerful things that had never been opened to them before. 

They spoke from the heart, blatantly choked up and moved by the impact of these practical lessons. These mega life-changes all followed the introduction of a Bible translation project into their community, and the establishment of literacy courses alongside it, so that once the Word became fully available in their variety's heart language, they would be able to read it.

My experience of these stories is not isolated, and today's PassionBite video beautifully reiterates some of the socioeconomic ripple effects that have shown communities Jesus' love for them through practical means.


  1. Monica is reaching her 2 year time limit for developing a team of financial partners. She needs friends, acquaintances, churches, Sunday Schools, youth groups and others to pledge about $500 a month more of financial support. What role is God inviting you to play in the ministry to which he has called Monica? Read more here https://www.wycliffe.org/partner/monica-rempel

  2. This $500 is in addition to the faithful giving of many partners already. Your gifts cover all the costs of Monica serving with Wycliffe: her salary, her health insurance, her taxes (Federal and Social Security), and her retirement plan.
