05 January, 2015

I have heard the cries of my people..

I've been thinking a lot about Moses and Joshua, about the faith they had to see impossible tasks completed, and their willingness and watchfulness as God brought not just resolution and deliverance, but resolution and deliverance in unimaginable ways---miraculous, jaw-dropping, perfectly-timed, defying-the-natural-laws-of-science kind of ways.

Over and over, in the New Testament and Old, we see the Lord say "I have heard the cries of my people…" and great acts of love and deliverance follow.  It isn't that He needs us to ask, but the fact that our asking, engaging, and earnest yearning means so much to Him is an incredible honor. He extends to us a huge power and responsibility---that all Believers would be a part of the Great Commission---a huge mission of resolution and deliverance---by going, sending, and praying.

We often minimize the importance of the praying part, as though it were the lesser of the three, and today I wanted to highlight two stories through this video that remind me of the power and necessity of prayer in the gigantic task of Bible translation. I invite you to watch it, and then to also follow the link below to become a steady prayer partner for Bibleless people groups all over the world. 

Even now, Jonathon and I pray that wherever we end up working and translating, that God is raising up a team of national surveyors and translators to work with us, and that this would be happening all over the world in various translation projects. Please lift up the harvest-workers that are abroad now, laboring even in dangerous places, that need their Father's protection, blessing, strength, healing, and provision for the great task before them, and for His resolution and deliverance, in unimaginable ways. Amen.

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