Precious, precious family and friends~
Please forgive any presumptuousness of a mass-email, but time has slipped by me again, and as I find myself on the brink of something I’m really excited about, the loudest emotion cutting its way through my busyness keeps being a throbbing sense of wanting to tell you all about it—So, if you’re reading this, please know you’re special to me; that you’re either a part of my family by blood and beautiful inheritance, or part of my Body at Vineyard, or one of the dear friends I’ve made as a student or as a teacher or as a traveler—all journeys anyway—and it is for all of these reasons that you’re on this list. Also, I am so sorry I didn’t get this out sooner, and if you’ve already been told some or all of this by me, be patient with my impulsive enthusiasm :)~
Two major events are beginning/changing for me, and I have longed to have you “in on it” for the few weeks that I’ve known:
Five years ago I spent a summer in Ghana, West Africa with Wycliffe Bible Translators, praying and testing out a burning heart. It was a sweet time of confirmations, joy-heat and heart-spurs, and all the time since then has been a meandering journey of soul sifting, patience, and preparation. In these years, God has had to realign my compassion to first identify with Him before any personal will to help another, and has deepened the ardor I’d grown for the concept of bringing His words to cultures of people that have no access to it in the language they most understand [in 2008, there were still 2,393 languages without any part of the Bible]. For many of these cultures, their language is still only oral, and there is a thirst for the development of an alphabet in their tongue and literacy in their village. This vision tugs my compassion, my knowledge (of the darkness I experience without Christ’s words as my haven and tower), and my hope (in God’s use of our silly gifts and hobbies to further His Kingdom).
What I mean to share though is that I get to begin training this summer!~ Where there were only 3 schools I could find that offer both the Linguistics and Biblical Exegesis parts together, each of these schools’ schedules require me to quit my job and to move across country—both things that are not yet financially wise for me, if I am to take responsibility for my school debt and to pay everything off before my leaving and needing support ever enter this missions-equation. In fear and twisty hope, I started applying to programs for this fall anyway, and asked God to reveal how I could make this work—ha!—my foolish forcing~ Instead, spring break brought me time to speak to people from Wycliffe and the schools, and opened a new door to begin my first semester of courses now, in an intensive 2-month semester at a school in North Dakota…then return in the fall to teach another year. As everything has fallen in place swiftly, my parents, too, have been the most gracious encouragers, and came alongside me to pray and figure out the practical side—Four weeks ago, I moved back in to their home, and with this gift, I can be done with all college and car debt within a little over a year and truly free to finish training and be assigned to a language project (!!).
The other change I will come home to is that my county has had to shift around a lot of their teachers due to budget changes and a hiring freeze, and I am one of the surplussed teachers, so I will be teaching at an elementary school for next year instead of Sprayberry~ This will be a new adventure for me as well, and I figured with all of the paragraphs I was sending your way, I could throw this in as well :). I have no experience with Elementary Special Ed. yet, but have also come to know that I finally trust God, and will not resist this change, but please pray for my capacity to learn to teach and love these new kids well. SO much new learning for me…
I know this is long now; but I think this is the catch-up :). I get on a plane in just a few hours now…
I love you and so deeply appreciate that no matter how verbose and lengthy this is, or even whether we share the beliefs that are catalyst to my going, there was enough confidence in me of your care and place in my life that I knew I could send it… So PLEASE, keep me this summer (by email or facebook, or blog since I don’t know that each of you want blubbering emails from me often :), I won’t inundate you, but rather, will post here) Hope you sleep so well, and that I hear from you soon, truly.
With love, Monica
Posted on 6 June 2009 at 2:14 AM Comments (0)
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