They didn’t believe it was possible. “God doesn’t speak our language,” they said. “He only speaks English.”
The director of Faith Comes By Hearing was visiting a Konkomba village in Ghana. His organization partners with Bible translators to produce audio recordings of Scripture, and he asked the Konkomba leaders if they’d like to listen to God’s message in their language.
He had to insist, “But God does speak Konkomba!”He joyfully turned on an audio player, and the words of Matthew 1:1 filled the air in their language: “This is a record of the ancestors of Jesus the Messiah….”
Amazed, these leaders called for villagers to assemble. Soon 300 people were listening to God speak Konkomba. As they listened, they entered into the story. They were walking and talking with Jesus.“Jesus is now one of us,”they said. “He speaks our language!”
When people receive the Word of God in their own language, they experience the living, breathing Jesus who became human and moved into their village (John 1:14).

…What language does God speak? He speaks all of the 7,000+ languages in the world. People can talk to Him in any language and he understands.
But millions of people can’t understand Him when he speaks. The love letter remains a closed book.
I thank God that you and I have been blessed to have the Love Letter unlocked for us. We have had access all our lives to His rich words and rich love.
I thank God for each individual, couple, family, and church that has come alongside me to invest in ALL people having access to God's Love Letter. You are making a difference for eternity, and God is transforming lives through your giving!
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Adapted from the story as Bob Creson tells it, here.